αν αναρωτιέστε... η Emily είναι μία πραγματική νύφη! δεν ξεπήδησε από κανένα editorial. ωστόσο, ο γάμος της θα μπορούσε να συμπεριληφθεί στα editorial όλων των περιοδικών που έχουν θέμα το γάμο. δείτε προσεκτικά όλες (μα όλες) τις τόσο πρωτότυπες λεπτομέρειες της διακόσμησης... η τούρτα ήταν διακόσμημένη με σύκα, οι συνθέσεις των λουλουδιών κρέμονταν στον αέρα, τα τραπέζια ήταν διακοσμημένα με λαχανικά (ντομάτες, αγκινάρες & σπαράγγια)! δεν υπάρχουν λόγια να περιγράψουν το στυλ της Emily, το νυφικό της, το αξεσουάρ στα μαλλιά της... δεν υπάρχουν λόγια να περιγράψουν τις φωτογραφίες της ταλαντούχας Lara Hotz.
{if you are wondering... Emily is a real bride! she is not an editorial model. however, her wedding could easily be featured in all wedding magazines' editorials. pay attention to all these so original decorative details... the wedding cake was decorated with fresh figs, the flower creations were hanging, the reception tables were decorated with fresh vegetables (tomatoes, artichokes & asparagus)! there are no words to describe Emily's styling, her wedding dress, her jaw-dropping hair accessory... there are no words to describe today's pics by the talented Lara Hotz.}
{if you are wondering... Emily is a real bride! she is not an editorial model. however, her wedding could easily be featured in all wedding magazines' editorials. pay attention to all these so original decorative details... the wedding cake was decorated with fresh figs, the flower creations were hanging, the reception tables were decorated with fresh vegetables (tomatoes, artichokes & asparagus)! there are no words to describe Emily's styling, her wedding dress, her jaw-dropping hair accessory... there are no words to describe today's pics by the talented Lara Hotz.}