ο σημερινός μας γάμος αποπνέει ταυτόχρονα κάτι το παλιακό & το λαμπερό! βρισκόμαστε στην αγγλική εξοχή, που από μόνη της αναδύει μία πολυτέλεια. η νύφη υιοθέτησε στυλ της δεκαετίας του '60. βασικό χρώμα της διακόσμησης το ζεστό κίτρινο. η αίσθηση της πολυτέλειας ενισχύθηκε με τα λαχταριτά macaroons που προσφέρθηκαν στους καλεσμένους. οι γλυκιές φωτογραφίες ανήκουν στις Chloe & Emma-Jane της caught the light.
{today' s wedding is both vintage & glamorous! we are in the english countryside, which by itself brings about a feeling of luxury. the bride adopted a '60s style. the basic colour of all decorative details was a warm yellow. the delicious macaroons offered to the guests added an extra touch of luxury. these sweet images were shot by Chloe & Emma-Jane of caught the light.}
{today' s wedding is both vintage & glamorous! we are in the english countryside, which by itself brings about a feeling of luxury. the bride adopted a '60s style. the basic colour of all decorative details was a warm yellow. the delicious macaroons offered to the guests added an extra touch of luxury. these sweet images were shot by Chloe & Emma-Jane of caught the light.}