φυσικά, υπάρχουν & αυτοί οι γάμοι, οι οποίοι μοιάζουν απόλυτα ενταγμένοι στο αλπικό τοπίο... χαρακτηριστικό τους η απλότητα. λατρέψαμε το γούνινο γιακά - κολιέ της νύφης!!!υιοθετήστε την ιδέα, εάν οργανώνετε να παντρευτείτε μέσα στο χειμώνα! οι πανέμορφες εικόνες τραβήχθηκαν από το Studio213films.
{of course, there are also these weddings, that seem so well fitted in these alpine surroundings... their basic characteristic is simplicity. we loved this furry-like collar - necklace the bride is wearing!!! steal this stylistic idea, if you are planning to get married this winter! these beautiful images were shot by Studio213films.}
{of course, there are also these weddings, that seem so well fitted in these alpine surroundings... their basic characteristic is simplicity. we loved this furry-like collar - necklace the bride is wearing!!! steal this stylistic idea, if you are planning to get married this winter! these beautiful images were shot by Studio213films.}