ποιος είπε ότι βρέχει μόνο στην εξοχή? βρέχει & στην πόλη! η Kelly & ο Cameron παντρεύτηκαν μία βροχερή μέρα. μετά την τελετή, άνοιξαν τις ομπρέλες τους & περπάτησαν ανέμελα μέσα στη βροχή. οι σημερινές μας φωτογραφίες τραβήχθηκαν από τον ταλαντούχο Leo Patrone.
{who said that it rains only in the countryside? it does rain in the city! Kelly & Cameron got married on a rainy day. after the ceremony, they opened their umbrellas & they strolled around the city streets in the rain. today' s photos were shot by the talented Leo Patrone.}
{who said that it rains only in the countryside? it does rain in the city! Kelly & Cameron got married on a rainy day. after the ceremony, they opened their umbrellas & they strolled around the city streets in the rain. today' s photos were shot by the talented Leo Patrone.}