χρώματα & στο σημερινό γάμο! & μία πολύ όμορφη & σίγουρα οικονομική ιδέα! χρυσά μπαλόνια, τα οποία σχημάτιζαν το όνομα του ζευγαριού σαν μοναδικό φόντο στο χώρο του γαμήλιου πάρτυ! εμείς δεν είδαμε κάτι ανάλογο σε κανέναν από τους γάμους που έχουμε πάει! εσείς? αν όχι, προλαβαίνετε να "κλέψετε" την ιδέα & να πρωτοτυπήσετε! ευχαριστούμε θερμά τον Caleb John Hill που μοιράστηκε μαζί μας αυτές τις πανέμορφες εικόνες.
{today's wedding is also happy & colourful! we also discovered this super nice & budget-friendly idea! golden balloons used to form the names of the couple were placed as a unique background at the party venue! we haven't seen anything like this in any of the weddings we' ve been to! have you? if not, you still have time to "steal" this idea & shine! we deeply thank Caleb John Hil, who shared with is these beautiful images.}
{today's wedding is also happy & colourful! we also discovered this super nice & budget-friendly idea! golden balloons used to form the names of the couple were placed as a unique background at the party venue! we haven't seen anything like this in any of the weddings we' ve been to! have you? if not, you still have time to "steal" this idea & shine! we deeply thank Caleb John Hil, who shared with is these beautiful images.}