θα σκεφτόσαστε ποτέ το σκούρο μπλε ως το κύριο χρώμα για την παλέτα του φθινοπωρινού σας γάμου? μάλλον όχι... δείτε όμως τις σημερινές μας εικόνες όλες μέσα από το φακό της Joyeuse Photography & είμαστε σίγουρες ότι θα αλλάξετε γνώμη! ένας γάμος με πολλά vintage & ταυτόχρονα diy στοιχεία. αυτό που κυριολεκτικά μας ξετρέλανε είναι όλα τα παιχνίδια με τα οποία μπορούσαν να διασκεδάσουν οι καλεσμένοι πριν, αλλά & κατά τη διάρκεια του γαμήλιου πάρτυ!!! δείτε το τεράστιο jenga! απλά... ζηλεύουμε!
{would you ever think of a navy blue shade for your autumn wedding colour palette? probably not... however, we are more than sure that after seeing today's pictures all shot by Joyeuse Photography you will change your mind! a wedding full of vintage & diy twists. what really got us excited is all these games that could keep the wedding guests entertained before, as well as during the wedding reception!!! just look at this giant jenga! we are soooo jealous!}
{would you ever think of a navy blue shade for your autumn wedding colour palette? probably not... however, we are more than sure that after seeing today's pictures all shot by Joyeuse Photography you will change your mind! a wedding full of vintage & diy twists. what really got us excited is all these games that could keep the wedding guests entertained before, as well as during the wedding reception!!! just look at this giant jenga! we are soooo jealous!}