& φτάσαμε στη δεκαετία του '80! μία πραγματικά cult δεκατία, γεμάτη έντονα χρώματα, αλλά & δερμάτινες εμφανίσειες, disco μουσικές, κασέτες, ηλεκτρονικά παιχνίδια! άραγε, πώς θα ήταν ένας γάμος, αν είχε όλα τα παραπάνω? ... έτσι, ακριβώς!!! ένας, αν μη τι άλλο, πρωτότυπος γάμος, τον οποίο απαθανάτισε εξαιρετικά η Jessica Monnich.
{& we reached the '80s! a truly cult decade, full of vivid colours, as well as leather details, disco music, music tapes, electronic games! how would it look like, if a wedding had all of the above? ... exactly like that!!! an, at least, authentic wedding shot amazingly by Jessica Monnich.}
{& we reached the '80s! a truly cult decade, full of vivid colours, as well as leather details, disco music, music tapes, electronic games! how would it look like, if a wedding had all of the above? ... exactly like that!!! an, at least, authentic wedding shot amazingly by Jessica Monnich.}