η Courtney & ο Djordje λατρεύουν να ταξιδεύουν... έφυγαν από την τελετή του γάμου τους με μία γαλάζια vespa! επέστρεψαν σύντομα για να διασκεδάσουν με τους καλεσμένους τους σε μία δεξίωση δίπλα στη θάλασσα. πολλές από τις ιδέες της διακόσμησης είναι "φτιάξτο μόνος σου". χρησιμοποίησαν παλιά κομμάτια ξύλου & έφτιαξαν ταμπέλες, για να κατευθύνουν τους καλεσμένους τους. σεβόμενοι τον τόπο καταγωγής του Djordje (Σερβία) έφτιαξαν escort cards & το κυριλλικό αλφάβητο. έγραψαν πάνω σε μαυροπίνακα το μενού. τοποθέτησαν βότσαλα σε σχήμα καρδιάς ως μικρά "δωράκια" για τους καλεσμένους. φωτογραφίες τόσο γλυκιές όσο το όνομά τους από τη Merrill & τον Tim της Sweet Little Photographs.
{Courtney & Djordje love to travel... they left their wedding ceremony on a light blue vespa! they returned back soon to celebrate their big day with their guests at a reception by the sea. many "diy" ideas were used for the decoration. old pieces of wood were turned into signs. escort cards were written in cyrillic alphabet as Djordje comes from Serbia. the menu was written on a chalkboard. pebbles placed in a shape of heart were offered as "guest treats". another set of as sweet as their name photos by Merill & Tim of Sweet Little Photographs.}
{Courtney & Djordje love to travel... they left their wedding ceremony on a light blue vespa! they returned back soon to celebrate their big day with their guests at a reception by the sea. many "diy" ideas were used for the decoration. old pieces of wood were turned into signs. escort cards were written in cyrillic alphabet as Djordje comes from Serbia. the menu was written on a chalkboard. pebbles placed in a shape of heart were offered as "guest treats". another set of as sweet as their name photos by Merill & Tim of Sweet Little Photographs.}