τα σχολεία έχουν ήδη ετοιμαστεί, για να υποδεχθούν τους μαθητές για τη νέα σχολική χρονιά & εμείς βρήκαμε ευκαιρία να θυμηθούμε τους παιδικούς - σχολικούς μας έρωτες! πολλοί εκεί έξω (& η μία από εμάς) κατόρθωσαν να κάνουν τη σχολική τους "αγάπη" παντοτινή! επισκεφτείτε μας αυτή την εβδομάδα & δείτε τρόπους με τους οποίους μπορείτε με τον/την αγαπημένο/η σας να γυρίσετε το χρόνο πίσω & να γίνετε & πάλι μαθητές την πρώτη μέρα του σχολείου!
{schools are ready to welcome pupils for a new school year & we use this as a chance to remember our first school loves! many of you out there (& one of us) have managed to turn their school sweetheart into "the one"! follow us this week & find ways to turn back time & to become with your loved one just for one more time pupils on their first day of school!}
{these beautiful pictures belong to the Three Nails Photography, posted along with a beautiful poem!
Marry, Marry Me
It was a fine day in the first grade when Mary May let Bobby walk her home from school.
He had her books in hand,
and he was listening to every word she said
like it was the gospel of the prophecies.
And he loved the way her hair fell across her dress.
Went home singing, “Who wrote the book of love”
and try a little tenderness.
The next day on the playground,
Bobby sat Mary down on the swing set behind the sandbox
and she said, “Bobby I just want to play,
so what is this you have to say?”
He said, “Mary, marry me.
We could live out by the sea
like they do on the movie screen.
Oh, marry me, Mary May,
before you go back to play.”}
{schools are ready to welcome pupils for a new school year & we use this as a chance to remember our first school loves! many of you out there (& one of us) have managed to turn their school sweetheart into "the one"! follow us this week & find ways to turn back time & to become with your loved one just for one more time pupils on their first day of school!}
{these beautiful pictures belong to the Three Nails Photography, posted along with a beautiful poem!
Marry, Marry Me
It was a fine day in the first grade when Mary May let Bobby walk her home from school.
He had her books in hand,
and he was listening to every word she said
like it was the gospel of the prophecies.
And he loved the way her hair fell across her dress.
Went home singing, “Who wrote the book of love”
and try a little tenderness.
The next day on the playground,
Bobby sat Mary down on the swing set behind the sandbox
and she said, “Bobby I just want to play,
so what is this you have to say?”
He said, “Mary, marry me.
We could live out by the sea
like they do on the movie screen.
Oh, marry me, Mary May,
before you go back to play.”}