ο σημερινός γάμος ήταν στα χρώματα της φράουλας! κόκκινο & πράσινο! τα φορέματα των παράνυφων, οι γραβάτες των φίλων του γαμπρού, τα προσκλητήρια, τα μπαλόνια, τα σημαιάκια, οι κορδέλες, τα καλαμάκια! ίσως γι' αυτό, οι καλεσμένοι φεύγοντας έπαιρναν μαζί τους ένα γλαστράκι φραουλιάς! τι τέλεια ιδέα! οι φωτογραφίες ανήκουν στη μοναδική Ketly της STEEP STREET.
{today' s wedding is in the colours of the strawberry! red & green! the bridesmaids' dresses, the ties of the groom' s friends, the invitations, the balloons, the flags, the ribbons, the straws! maybe that' s the reason, small pots with strawberries were offered as a guest treat! what a brilliant idea! the photos are by the unique Ketly της STEEP STREET.}
{today' s wedding is in the colours of the strawberry! red & green! the bridesmaids' dresses, the ties of the groom' s friends, the invitations, the balloons, the flags, the ribbons, the straws! maybe that' s the reason, small pots with strawberries were offered as a guest treat! what a brilliant idea! the photos are by the unique Ketly της STEEP STREET.}