καιρό έχουμε να φιλοξενήσουμε μία φωτογράφηση αρραβώνα! αυτή την χαρήκαμε ιδιαίτερα. η Crystal & ο Colin ταξίδεψαν όχι μόνο μέχρι την Disneyland, αλλά & μέχρι το 1955, καθώς ήθελαν η φωτογράφησή τους να έχει θέμα "το πρώτο μας ραντεβού στην Disneyland την πρώτη χρονιά της λειτουργίας της". γι' αυτό & το styling μας μεταφέρει τη δεκαετία του '50 & οι φωτογραφίες αποπνέουν έναν αέρα παλιακό. υπέροχη δουλειά από τη φωτογράφο τους Joy της wildflowers photography.
{it' s been a long time since we last hosted an engagement session! we particularly enjoyed this one! Crystal & Colin travelled not only to Disneyland but also back in 1955, as they wanted their photo shooting' s theme to be "our first date in Disneyland when it first opened". that' s why their styling reminds us of the '50s & their photos bring about a vintage feeling. an amazing job by their photographer Joy of wildflowers photography.}
{it' s been a long time since we last hosted an engagement session! we particularly enjoyed this one! Crystal & Colin travelled not only to Disneyland but also back in 1955, as they wanted their photo shooting' s theme to be "our first date in Disneyland when it first opened". that' s why their styling reminds us of the '50s & their photos bring about a vintage feeling. an amazing job by their photographer Joy of wildflowers photography.}