η άλλη ονομασία του Μαρακές είναι μάλλον επηρεασμένη από την κόκκινη άμμο που συναντά κανείς ακόμη & στο κέντρο της πόλης. αυτόν το εξωτικό προορισμό επέλεξαν η Libby & o Weldon για την ημέρα του γάμου τους & τον εκμεταλλεύτηκαν με τον καλύτερο δυνατό τρόπο! τα προσκλητήριά τους είχαν το σχέδιο από ένα μαροκινό πλακάκι, το φόρεμα της Libby είχε ένα υπέροχο σμαραγδί χρώμα, τα πόδια της ήταν ζωγραφισμένα με χένα, καμήλες & βεδουϊνοι τους συνόδευσαν στην τελετή, χειροποίητα χαλιά στρώθηκαν παντού! τεξιδέψτε μέσα από τις πανέμορφες εικόνες των Jesse & Whitney της Our Labor of Love.
{Marrakech is also known as the "Red City", probably because of the red-coloured sand that you find even in the city centre. Libby & Weldon chose this exotic destination for their wedding day & used it as their theme for every wedding detail! their invitations had the design of a traditional mοroccan tile, Libby' s dress had a wonderful emerald green shade, Libby had a henna tattoo on her feet, camels & bedouins were present at the ceremony, hand-woven rugs were everywhere! travel through these beautiful photos shot by Jesse & Whitney of Our Labor of Love.}
{Marrakech is also known as the "Red City", probably because of the red-coloured sand that you find even in the city centre. Libby & Weldon chose this exotic destination for their wedding day & used it as their theme for every wedding detail! their invitations had the design of a traditional mοroccan tile, Libby' s dress had a wonderful emerald green shade, Libby had a henna tattoo on her feet, camels & bedouins were present at the ceremony, hand-woven rugs were everywhere! travel through these beautiful photos shot by Jesse & Whitney of Our Labor of Love.}